Air Duct Cleaning and Family Health
03/19/2014 Back To Blog
When it comes to indoor air quality, people are quite sensitive. They vacuum the floor regularly and insert special vacuum filters which help to remove pollen and other dangerous particles. At the same time, your HVAC system can be a constant source of these and other allergens and pathogens. The good news is that with proper air duct cleaning, this problem can be effectively prevented.
High Air Quality for Disease Prevention
The HVAC system is the respiratory system of the house, so to speak. It circulates the air in the house up to seven times a day. Without effective HVAC maintenance, dust, dirt, pollen and even mold can build up inside the air ducts and possibly in other components of the system. The dust and dirt particles, the pollens and the mold spores are extremely small and they are easily picked up and carried by the moving air. This is how they move from the ducts into the rooms of your house.
Pollen is a potent allergen with children being the most vulnerable to it. It can cause hay fever which lasts not only for a few weeks during the spring, but for much longer. Dust can also cause allergies and worsen the symptoms of people with acute and chronic respiratory conditions.
Without proper air duct sanitizing, mold can grow freely in places where you do not see it. There are different types of mold that cause allergies. There are other more dangerous species which can cause very serious conditions with sever physical and mental symptoms.
When the HVAC system is properly cleaned, your family will be effectively protected from these pathogens. They will be in good health and this is the most important thing of all. You can readily use air quality testing to confirm that the system does not emit any of the particles described above. Keep your family safe with residential duct cleaning.